Customer Management

Features Getting Started

Ownership Assignment

You may wish to control which Contacts/Companies each user in your team can see. Example: in a sales team, each sales person is responsible for specific clients.

To do this, you have to set the Owner field of each Contact/Company. Standard users will only see Contacts and Companies that they own, whereas Managers and Admins see all items.

Or you may wish to simply share all Contacts and Companies among all users of your team, whether they are Standard users or Managers/Admins. See Sharing Data and Access Rights

Setting the Owner field
When you create a Contact/Company, the Owner field is automatically set to your username.

Assign multiple contacts/companies (web only):
In your web account, goto the Contacts or Companies list, check the box next to one or more items or select All, then click on the Add icon and select "Assign To" menu.
Note that when you import a spreadsheet of contacts/companies, you can set the Owner field to a username or to Unassigned if the field is empty.

A Contact/Company can belong to one or more users.

Restrict Manager Rights and Ownership
By default, a Manager can access all contacts and companies. If a restricted list of Standard users is configured, the Manager can only access the contacts/companies owned by each of these Standard users, in addition to his own.

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