Project Commissioning

Features Getting Started

Asset States

Assets have different states:

Not started: this is the initial state of an Asset before an inspection has started.

In progress: when the Site Manager has started the inspection and assigned an electrical and mechanical supervisor.
The % complete is calculated based on the number of questions that have been answered.
In progress 100 %: indicates that all the questions have been answered by the Supervisor, and inspection is ready to be Completed, or has been Completed by the Supervisor but the other Supervisor or Site Manager still needs to perform completion.

Completed: once the Supervisors AND the Site manager have completed and signed off.

Released: the asset moves to this state when the Site Manager performs the Release.
If all questions have been answered either 'OK' or 'Not OK' but are not required for (pre-)commissioning, the asset can be released.
If one question has been answered 'Not OK' and is required for (pre-)commissioning, the asset cannot be released and the inspection must be re-started.

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