Sales Management

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Invoices tab

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Sales Tax Included: See Invoices with Sales Tax included.

Use words 'Tax Invoice' when tax is included: when checked, the title of the exported PDF Invoice is 'Tax Invoice' instead of 'Invoice'. This can be a legal tax requirement in some countries.

Transaction fee %: when checked, you can specify a Transaction fee % in the Edit screen / Price tab of a Quote or Invoice. The fee is calculated as a percentage of the total minus any eventual discount, then added to the invoice amount.

Next Invoice ID: this field contains the running number of the next new Invoice, eventually with leading zeroes. This number will be appended to the current year to make the new Invoice Number. The system automatically increments this number at each new quote creation. You can also manually modify this value.
If you set "0015" in the field, the next Invoice you create will have the name: "2016-0015"
If you set "21" in the field, the next Invoice you create will have the name: "2016-21"
See also Invoice Number

Nb Days after Date: when you create a new Invoice, the payment Due Date is automatically set to Today plus this number of days. The default value is 30 days.
N.B.: if you set a multiple of 30 days, the date will be set to one month later. Example, if the value is 30 days, and today is 15 Oct, the Due date will be set to 15 Nov.

Payment Terms: Set the general payment terms for Invoices. Payment terms are displayed at the end of the PDF when exporting an Invoice. See Payment terms.

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