Sales Management

Features Getting Started


In Upvise, Sales tracking is managed by creating and updating Deals.

A Deal is a sales Oppportunity linked to a Company, i.e the Client, which goes through a well defined set of Stages. Each Deal has an Estimated Closing Date and an Amount.


A Quote is a quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular job, service, list of products.

A Quote is linked to a Company, i.e the Client, and the total price is calculated by adding one or more Products.


An Invoice is commercial document that you issue to a Client, relating to a sale transaction and indicating the description, quantities, and agreed prices of Products for which you are requesting Payment.

An Invoice is similar in structure to a Quote.

Catalog of Products

The Catalog is a stored database or listing of all the products or services that your company offers.

A Product can be a tangible good. Example: books, electrical parts, food, digital movies,.. or a service, i.e. an act rendered by a person or an intangible good . Example: training, consulting, cleaning,..

Purchase Orders

A Purchase Order or P.O. is a commercial document that you issue to a Supplier, indicating the description, quantities, and agreed prices for Products that you are requesting to buy.

Packing Slips

A Packing Slip is a document included in a box of goods shipped to a recipient, to inform the customer of the items and quantity included in the shipment. It is similar in structure to an Invoice.


The Contracts section allows you to manage the list of commercial ageements that you have signed with your Clients. A Contract compiles structured information related to the agreement, including start and end date, frequency, client, amount, etc..

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