Sales Management

Features Getting Started

Currency and Sales tax

You can set a main Currency, which will be used as the default for all your deals, quotes, invoices, products.

If you are working with multiple currencies, you can change the currency of a Quote or Invoice in the Edit screen / Price tab, and of a Deal or Product in the Edit screen. You can choose from a pre-defined list of major currencies. The list will also include your main Currency, as set in the Options menu, if it is not already part of the main currencies.

Note that Quotes and Invoices are in a single currency, i.e they can only list products with the same currency.

In addition, you can specify exchange rates from your Main Currency to other currencies you use. All Dashboard totals and amounts are displayed in your main Currency and the exchange rates are applied in the calculations in case of deals, quotes or invoices in different currencies.

To set the main Currency and exchange rates, goto the Sales web app Options menu / Currencies tab.

You can also set the Sales tax %, which will be used as the default value when creating a new Product.

Goto the Sales web app Options menu / General tab. In the Sales tax % field, enter a decimal value between 1 and 100.

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