Mobile Forms to Collect Field Data faster

Features Getting Started


Create Groups to classify your Form templates when you have many templates. Set the Group for a Template in the Edit Template Properties tab.

Click on + to add a New Group. Click on a group to edit it:

Name: edit the group name

Rank: position of the group in a list of groups. 0 is listed first, 1 is listed before 2,..

Aggregate all forms for this group: when displaying forms linked to a data item, forms are grouped by this template group, instead of by template. The group will aggregate all forms from different templates.

Only one form instance per linked record: when a form template belongs to this group, only one form can be created for this template and for a given linked data item.
Example for a Contact and template "HR Employee Form" which lists information on an employee, checking this option enforces that only one instance of the HR Form exists.

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