Upvise Client Library: Job Class (.NET)

Base Fields string id string name string owner string note int status int priority DateTime duedate int duration Address Properties string street string city string zipcode string state string country string geo Client Properties string contactid string companyid
Job Completion Fields DateTime checkin DateTime checkout string checkoutnote string checkoutgeo Constants static const OPEN static const CHECKEDIN static const PAUSED static const COMPLETED static const HIGHPRIORITY Custom Fields void setCustomField(key, value) string getCustomField(key)
Parsing & Serialization static Job fromJson(JSONObject obj) JSONObject toJson() Archiving static void archive(string id, Query query)


The Job class of the Upvise Client Library represent a record in the Jobs.jobs Upvise table of the Jobs Application

Job Sample on Github


Insert a new Job
using UpviseClient;
Query query = new Query(token);
Job newjob = new Job();
newjob.id = "ID1";
newjob.status = Job.OPEN;
newjob.name = "Maintain Air Conditining";
newjob.note = "Verify gaz pressure";
newjob.duedate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2);
newjob.owner = "John"; // if you want to assign a Job, set the Upvise user Display name here
newjob.priority = Job.HIGHPRIORITY; 

newjob.street = "1 infinite Loop";
newjob.city = "Cupertino";
newjob.zipcode = "";
newjob.country = "USA";
newjob.geo = "12,3.444"; // set the coordinates for the job

// set some custom fields values
newjob.setCustomField("F1", "WATER");
newjob.setCustomField("F2", "12");

// Perform insert
query.insert(Job.TABLE, newjob.toJson());

Insert multiple Jobs in Batch
using UpviseClient;
Query query = new Query(token);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    Job newjob = new Job();
    newjob.id = "ID" + i;
    newjob.status = Job.OPEN;
    newjob.name = "Maintain Air Conditining " + i;
    newjob.duedate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
    query.insert(Job.TABLE, newjob.toJson());

static void archive(string id, Query query)

Archives one job and its linked notes, tasks, products, forms, and photos / files. It does NOT ARCHIVE linked quotes or invoices.